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2500 W Dicker Rd, Hidalgo, TX 78557
Founded March 11, 2014. Through the course of years this location has had thousands of students learning music, dance, art and theatre. This location is the first of Creative Arts Studio and has helped the community grow through the fine arts.
516 N Shary Rd, Mission, TX 78572
Our Sharyland location was established October 2019. Ever since its doors opened the school has had over 1,000 students. We currently have more than 150 students enrolled in our classes learning music, art and acting.

12 E. Esperanza Ave. Hidalgo, Tx 78557
Jailhouse At The District is a historical building from the 1800s. Creative Arts Studio had their first class back in 2017. Since then, they have remodeled it and turned it into Jailhouse Records, a production company for artists and students that want to record professionally.

601 N Main St, McAllen, Tx 78501
Creative Arts Studio currently resides within the McAllen Creative Incubator. A venue where many local artists come together and share their love for art and culture. Our school currently has 5 studios inside with more than 200 students learning dance, music and acting.

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